Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Scoop: September 20

It's that time again...Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio. Weekends just fly... I can't believe it is already Sunday. My parents are both teachers in Georgia and they are off for September vacation next week. I must admit that I think that sounds brilliant! Too made we don't have that up here in Illinois. Sigh... Here's the scoop today. I am ready for some football and apple pie at my brother's request. Baking for me is a stress reliever with great rewards. I am excited for this day ahead. Let's go Patriots!

Don't forget this week's bible verse. Click here to view this FREEBIE.


  1. Your blog is just ADORABLE! I'm so glad that found you on the link up!

  2. It's funny how planning always gets pushed to Sunday, huh? So is the teacher life I suppose! Thanks for sharing!
    - Melissa

  3. Baking is a stress reliever for me, too...unfortunately eating is ALSO a stress reliever so I must find someone to take my baked goods off my hands!
